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महात्मा ज्योतिराव गोविंदराव फुले

" विद्या बिना मति गयी, मति बिना नीति गयी | नीति बिना गति गयी, गति बिना वित्त गया | वित्त बिना शूद गये, इतने अनर्थ, एक अविद्या ने किये || "
ज्योतिराव गोविंदराव फुले ( ११ अप्रैल १८२७, - २८ नवम्बर १८९०) एक भारतीय विचारक, समाजसेवी, लेखक, दार्शनिक तथा क्रान्तिकारी कार्यकर्ता थे। इन्हें 'महात्मा फुले' एवं 'ज्‍योतिबा फुले' के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। सितम्बर १८७३ में इन्होने महाराष्ट्र में सत्य शोधक समाज नामक संस्था का गठन किया। महिलाओं व दलितों के उत्थान के लिय इन्होंने अनेक कार्य किए।आगे पढ़े


सावित्रीबाई ज्योतिराव फुले

" अब बिलकुल भी खाली मत बैठो, जाओ शिक्षा प्राप्त करो! || "
सावित्रीबाई ज्योतिराव फुले (3 जनवरी 1831 – 10 मार्च 1897) भारत की प्रथम महिला शिक्षिका, समाज सुधारिका एवं मराठी कवयित्री थीं। उन्होंने अपने पति ज्योतिराव गोविंदराव फुले के साथ मिलकर स्त्री अधिकारों एवं शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में उल्लेखनीय कार्य किए। वे प्रथम महिला शिक्षिका थीं। उन्हें आधुनिक मराठी काव्य का अग्रदूत माना जाता है। 1852 में उन्होंने बालिकाओं के लिए एक विद्यालय की स्थापना की।

आगे पढ़े



Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule Public School

School was established on 14th November 1992 at Jagadishpuram, Ghazipur by Sri Jagadish Singh Kushwaha Ex. Member of Parliament, with an aim to produce promoters of social transformation endowed with quality based education, spirit of service to man kind through moral and academic excellence to all the people. The school imparts education to students in science, commerce and arts with as many optional subjects in classes 11th and 12th. Some of the unique features of excellent, academic delivery system are : well trained teachers, students ratio 1:35. To ensure quality based education with personal care to each child, we are providing spacious & comfortable classroom, scientifically..

Our Toppers


Class-X Topper


Class XII Topper


Thought Of The Day

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” —Malcolm X


"शिक्षा भविष्य का पासपोर्ट है, क्योंकि कल उन्हीं का होगा जो आज उसकी तैयारी करते हैं।" —माल्कम एक्स

Thought Today




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The school is located in an estate extending around 3 acres in area, of which 1 acres is occupied by the school complex, consisting of a four-floor blocks and nearly 2 acres for sports activities. Volley ball courts, Badminton courts and indoor games are available considering Health is Wealth. Healthy natural, pollution free rural surroundings, lush green trees and plant and eco  freindly environment give psychological energy to every learner .


Admission starts from Nursery standard and minimum age for LKG is 3+ years. Admission form alongwith the prospectus is can be obtained from the school office . You may register the name on line too. Date of interview/test will be informed, on receipt of filled up form . Admission form should be signed by the person responsible for paying school fees/dues. Admission form is normally issued from the month of Jan for the session starting from Apr. Parents/ guardians must be careful..

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